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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Val Bjornson Scholarship awarded to BSE major!

Please extend your Congratulations to Alyssa Rockwelll, a Biology, Society, and Environment major and our very own BSE Peer Advisor! Alyssa is this year's recipient of the Val Björnson Scholarship. This scholarship will fund studies, research, and living expenses in Iceland for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Alyssa.jpgAlyssa is interested in both environmental and health related issues and has taken advantage of BSE's flexibility to develop a strong biology background that will prepare her for a variety of career paths. She has taken several advanced courses with faculty at the School of Public Health and is working with Dr. Kirk Allison for her senior project, Societal and Cultural Factors Influencing Prevalence and Manifestation of Eating Disorders Internationally. Aly will complete her BSE major requirements prior to her departure.