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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

George Henderson Wins COGS Outstanding Faculty Award!

Congratulations to GES professor, George Henderson, winner of 2015 of the COGS Outstanding Faculty Award!

Professor Henderson teaches in the areas of geographic thought, urban geography, social-cultural geography, and Marx's political economy. He has contributed to the education of numerous geographers.

This award was established in 2010 as a way to recognize contributions of faculty members who go above and beyond in their work with graduate students. It is the only award where faculty members are nominated by and winners are selected by graduate students. The award has rightly been bestowed on Professor Henderson.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Val Bjornson Scholarship awarded to BSE major!

Please extend your Congratulations to Alyssa Rockwelll, a Biology, Society, and Environment major and our very own BSE Peer Advisor! Alyssa is this year's recipient of the Val Björnson Scholarship. This scholarship will fund studies, research, and living expenses in Iceland for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Alyssa.jpgAlyssa is interested in both environmental and health related issues and has taken advantage of BSE's flexibility to develop a strong biology background that will prepare her for a variety of career paths. She has taken several advanced courses with faculty at the School of Public Health and is working with Dr. Kirk Allison for her senior project, Societal and Cultural Factors Influencing Prevalence and Manifestation of Eating Disorders Internationally. Aly will complete her BSE major requirements prior to her departure.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Minnesota AAG Reception

The AAG Party/Reception is taking place this Wednesday, April 22 from 730-10pm at the Jazz Showcase, 806 South Plymouth Ct., Chicago. This year we have a band!!! This event is co-sponsored with U of Wisc and University of Illinois. See attached flyer. The Jazz Showcase does not serve food, but guests are welcome to purchase food from Bar Louie next door and bring it back to the venue without an issue.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Urban Studies Undergrads take 2nd place in Real Estate Development Challenge

A group of Urban Studies students won 2nd place in the 2015 University Real Estate Challenge. Each year undergraduate student teams from Midwest universities act as development consultants for the same development site. This year a 2 acre Bassett Creek site in Minneapolis' North Loop neighborhood was the chosen site.
Our students are Urban Studies, Architecture and Entrepreneur Studies majors. The U of M team made it through the initial judging to the top 3 and were able to present to the 100+ member audience. Their second place finish will bring $2500 to the University Foundation to be distributed to the Judith A. Martin fund, and $500 to the team itself.

See the names of the team members and the rest of the story.

Friday, April 10, 2015

John Fraser Hart Celebration THIS FRIDAY - venue change

Join the Department of Geography, Environment and Society as we celebrate the career of Professor John Fraser Hart on Friday, April 17, at 3:30 in Blegen 10.

Note the change of venue: Blegen 10
