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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

$8 million NSF grant for population/environment data network

An interdisciplinary team has been awarded a five-year, $8 million
grant from the National Science Foundation to boost understanding of
population-environment relationships on a global scale. The project,
Terra Populus, is a collaboration of The Minnesota Population Center,
the Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota Libraries,
and faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and College of Science
and Engineering, as well as Columbia University and the University of

The research will create new opportunities for understanding the
relationship between population and the environment on a global scale.

The lead investigators from the University of Minnesota are Steven
Ruggles (Minnesota Population Center), Jonathon Foley (Institute on
the Environment), Victoria Interrante (Computer Science and
Engineering), Wendy Pradt Lougee (University of Minnesota Libraries),
Steven Manson (Geography), Jaideep Srivastava (Computer Science and
Engineering) and Shashi Shekhar (Computer Science and Engineering).
With this award, TerraPop will be an NSF Sustainable Digital Data
Preservation and Access Network (DataNet) Partner. The DataNet
initiative aims to provide reliable digital preservation, access,
integration and analysis capabilities for science and/or engineering
data over a decades-long timeline.
For more information, see the news release.