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Monday, September 12, 2011

2.5 million U-Spatial Initiative

Congratulations to Geography Professor's Francis Harvey and Steve Manson who recently received, along with a group of other collaborators across campus, a 2.5 million I3 (Infrastructure Investment Initiative) award for the U-Spatial Initiative.

U-Spatial coordinates equipment and services for the University research community working with spatial information, the key to spatiotemporal studies of people, places, and process. U-Spatial brings together existing resources and services and strengthens research activities in four infrastructure cores: technical assistance, training, and resource coordination; analysis of aerial and satellite imagery of the earth; data archiving and development of shared computing; and spatiotemporal modeling, geodesign, and mapping

More information found here.

U-Spatial: Spatial Sciences and Systems Infrastructure
PI: Francis Harvey, College of Liberal Arts
Co-Investigators (from CFANS, CSE, IonE, CLA): Marvin Bauer, Forest Resources; Jonathan Foley, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior; Steven Manson, Geography; Steven Ruggles, MN Population Center and History; Shashi Shekhar, Computer Science and Engineering