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Monday, September 12, 2011

2.5 million U-Spatial Initiative

Congratulations to Geography Professor's Francis Harvey and Steve Manson who recently received, along with a group of other collaborators across campus, a 2.5 million I3 (Infrastructure Investment Initiative) award for the U-Spatial Initiative.

U-Spatial coordinates equipment and services for the University research community working with spatial information, the key to spatiotemporal studies of people, places, and process. U-Spatial brings together existing resources and services and strengthens research activities in four infrastructure cores: technical assistance, training, and resource coordination; analysis of aerial and satellite imagery of the earth; data archiving and development of shared computing; and spatiotemporal modeling, geodesign, and mapping

More information found here.

U-Spatial: Spatial Sciences and Systems Infrastructure
PI: Francis Harvey, College of Liberal Arts
Co-Investigators (from CFANS, CSE, IonE, CLA): Marvin Bauer, Forest Resources; Jonathan Foley, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior; Steven Manson, Geography; Steven Ruggles, MN Population Center and History; Shashi Shekhar, Computer Science and Engineering

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Coffee Hour Kicks off September 9!


We are looking forward to seeing you in the JSA room this Friday to hear about all things transport from David Levinson.

Bring your own mugs if you can!

Blegen 445, Coffee & Cookies 3:15 pm, Talk 3:30 pm

"Network Structure and Travel Behaviour" - David Levinson

[Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota; Director of NEXUS (Networks, Economics, and Urban Systems Research Group)]