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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Geography Coffee Hour Spring 2011

Fridays, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., Blegen Hall 445 (cookie/coffee reception begins at 3:15pm)

All presentations in the John S. Adams Community Room (445 Blegen Hall) unless noted otherwise.

Fridays, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., Blegen Hall 445 (cookie/coffee reception begins at 3:15pm)
All presentations in the John S. Adams Community Room (445 Blegen Hall) unless noted otherwise
1/28: Steve Manson and Brenda Kayzar, Dept of Geography, UMN
2/4: Adam Berland titled "Changing tree cover in the urbanizing Twin Cities, 1937-2009"
2/11: Harvey Thorleifson, Minnesota State Geological Survey
2/18: Marvin Taylor, Dept of Geography, UMN
2/25: Hari Osofsky, UMN Law School
3/4: Kevin Anchukaitis, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
3/11: John Abraham, University of Saint Thomas
3/18: Spring Break
3/25: TBD
4/1: Garth Myers, Kansas State University
4/8: Abdi Samatar, Dept of Geography, UMN