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Monday, February 28, 2011

Scott St. George on Channel 5 News

Geography Assistant Professor Scott St. George was recently a guest on 5 Eyewitness News (ABC). He discussed how Minnesota's Geography plays a role in flooding.

Watch the video.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mysteries of Public Finance

Mysteries of Public Financing (co-produced by Judith Martin of Geography's Urban Studies program) is a 1/2 hour documentary from TPT, made in conjunction with the University Metropolitan Consortium.

How governments raise money, how it's spent, who benefits and who pays - the basics of how public funding works and how decisions are made for the public good are explained by policy experts and former finance officials in this TPT documentary.

View the video here.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Envisioning a different type of suburb

Brenda Kayzar was interviewed for an article in the Fedgazette about the conclusions she and colleague Steve Manson reached in their CURA (U-CGO) funded project which examines peripheral development in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.

Read the interview.

Leitner and Sheppard part of Faculty Exchange program

Helga Leitner and Eric Sheppard are spending the spring semester in the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development at the University of Amsterdam, as part of a long-running faculty exchange program between the University of Minnesota and the University of Amsterdam.

Settling in has been a bit challenging for our professors: personal contacts were vital, as the local administrators seemed puzzled by their presence. While in Amsterdam, Helga and Eric will be participating in the teaching of an undergraduate course on questions of globalization, and graduate courses in development theory, territories, identities and conflict, migration, segregation and immigration and advanced GIS. They will also be giving research talks in the Globe Lecture series, and at the Department of Sociology. They are also consulting with faculty and students as they continue ongoing research into geographical political economy, immigrant rights, citizenship, and provincializing global urbanism.
More information available at

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Geography trips up Computer Brain

IBM's super computer might want to consider enrolling in Fraser Hart's GEOG 3101 US & Canada course next fall. During the February 15th installment of the popular television program Jeopardy, the normally impressive machine confused Toronto with Chicago - even though the Double Jeopardy category was "US Cities." Read the full story at the NY Times.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The City, the River, the Bridge

The Institute of Advanced Study has announced the publication of The City, the River, the Bridge: Before and after the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse, edited by Patrick Nunnally, who teaches courses in our Urban Studies program.

The City, the River, the Bridge: Before and after the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse,, published by the University of Minnesota Press, is based on the symposium of the same name organized by the IAS in October 2008. Video of that conference is available here; information on the new book is at http://www.upress.umn.edu/Books/N/nunnally_city.html.

MNDaily's feature on Geocaching

In search of a treasure trove in the guise of a mystery box of who-knows-what? MNDaily explores on-campus Geocaching in their story "GPS Pirates Hunt Treasure."

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship

PhD Student Christopher Crawford was awarded a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship for the 2010-2011 academic year.

PhD Student Christopher Crawford was awarded a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship for the 2010-2011 academic year. Christopher's research addresses topics related to the cyrosphere, mountain snowpack climatology, and freshwater resources across interior northwestern North America using historical satellite image records. Christopher also holds funding through the Association of American Geographers (AAG), College of Liberal Arts, and the University of Minnesota for his tree-ring research on millennial length climate change across central Idaho and southwestern Montana.
When Chris isn't hanging out here, he can be found here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hegel's Materialism: The Philosophy of Right and Anti-Colonial Thought

This Friday (2/11) the Political Science department presents a short talk by Professor Timothy Brennan (University of Minnesota - Departments of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature and English), followed by a more lengthy discussion. Professor Brennan will present his paper "Hegel's Materialism: 'The Philosophy of Right' and Anti-Colonial Thought."As usual, it will be at 1:30 in 1314 Social Sciences; coffee will be served.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Geography Coffee Hour Spring 2011

Fridays, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., Blegen Hall 445 (cookie/coffee reception begins at 3:15pm)

All presentations in the John S. Adams Community Room (445 Blegen Hall) unless noted otherwise.

Fridays, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., Blegen Hall 445 (cookie/coffee reception begins at 3:15pm)
All presentations in the John S. Adams Community Room (445 Blegen Hall) unless noted otherwise
1/28: Steve Manson and Brenda Kayzar, Dept of Geography, UMN
2/4: Adam Berland titled "Changing tree cover in the urbanizing Twin Cities, 1937-2009"
2/11: Harvey Thorleifson, Minnesota State Geological Survey
2/18: Marvin Taylor, Dept of Geography, UMN
2/25: Hari Osofsky, UMN Law School
3/4: Kevin Anchukaitis, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
3/11: John Abraham, University of Saint Thomas
3/18: Spring Break
3/25: TBD
4/1: Garth Myers, Kansas State University
4/8: Abdi Samatar, Dept of Geography, UMN

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A new member of the Geography family

Welcome Jonas Samuel Brownell to the Geography family, who arrived on 12/29/10 at 12:01 am - 2.5 weeks early.

7lbs 3oz
20 inches long

Proud Mother, Father and Sister are chronicling it all here.Thumbnail image for Baby+Brownell+084.jpg