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Friday, March 25, 2016

Geography Undergrad to present at Interdiciplinary conference

Geography student, Talia Anderson, will present a paper at the 4th annual Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Conference.  The conference, hosted by the Departments of Asian Languages, and Literatures, French and Italian, German, Scandinavian, and Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese Studies, and the Institute for Global Studies, will be held April 6 - 8th in 1210 Heller Hall.  Talia's paper, titled: Mexican Immigration to the United States: An Open Gateway or a Closed Door?, will be part of a larger panel on Friday, April 8th from 10:45 - 12:15 p.m.  A full conference program will be available at  http://spanport.umn.edu/ugrad/UICProg2016.html.  Congratulations Talia!