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Monday, July 20, 2015

Geography Undergraduate's on-line piece

A story, debunking the suggestion of the upcoming 'mini ice age', submitted by Geography undergraduate, Andrew Urevig, appeared recently on Medium.com.  Before you decide to buy a new winter jacket, be sure to read Andrew’s reality check.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Incoming PhD student in the field

Chelsea Cervantes De Blois, who will be joining the GES department in Fall 2015, is currently in Osh Kyrgyzstan, working as an agricultural consultant with local farmers. The group is investigating how to grow soy in soil of the Karasuu and Aravan districts, while implementing different irrigation practices. Chelsea will work with the farmers, for three months, with the goal of developing  innovative approaches in regard to their agricultural production.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

What does your front yard say about you? GES PhD in Minneapolis newspaper article

Ursula Lang stood in her yard in Minneapolis, on Thursday June 4, 2015. Lang studied the cultural geography of yards in Minnesota and urban environmentalism while receiving her PhD in geography at the University of Minnesota. "How people cared for their lawns varies a lot based on ideas about environmentalism and pressures from other neighbors" said Lang.  Read complete article