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Friday, June 12, 2015

GES Grad Student Research: Theraputic Landscapes in Later Life

Jessica Finlay, GES Doctoral Candidate, recently published a paper in Health & Place based upon her RA work in Vancouver Canada the summer of 2013. It is entitled "Therapeutic Landscapes in Later Life: Impacts of Blue and Green Spaces for Older Adults". Currently she is interviewing seniors in the Minneapolis area as part of her doctoral research.

GES Professor Scott St. George and Undergraduate, Dan Crawford, convey climate change through music.

A string quartet from the University of Minnesota's School of Music performed "Planetary Bands, Warming World", Dan Crawford's latest musical arrangement. The piece conveys how climate in the Northern Hemisphere has changed over time. Read more and listen to the entire composition.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Exciting News! Changes in Graduate Curriculum

Prospective students entering as part of the Fall 2015 cohort will have the opportunity to apply directly to the PhD program without first attaining a Master's degree. More details here.