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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Lorena Munoz receives prestigious fellowship

Assistant Professor, Lorena Munoz, has been awarded the Woodrow Wilson 2015 Career Enhancement Fellowship funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation,

The goal of the Career Enhancement Fellowship Program is to increase the presence of minority junior faculty members and other faculty members committed to eradicating racial disparities in core fields in the arts and sciences.

Lorena will receive a one-year sabbatical stipend; a research, travel or publication grant; and participation in a two-and-one-half day annual conference/retreat.

Congratulations on a well deserved honor!313783.jpg

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Congratulations to Lalit Batra and Jessica Finlay!

They both have been awarded Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowships(IDF) for the 2015-16 academic year.

The IDF provides a unique opportunity for outstanding doctoral students whose research is interdisciplinary and who would benefit from interaction with faculty at one of the University's interdisciplinary research centers or institutes. Jessica and Lalit were both endorsement by a host center - Jessica the center on Aging; Lalit the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change - then they were nominated by GES to the University wide fellowship.

The fellowship provides a stipend of $23,000 for the academic year (September-May), tuition for up to 14 graduate credits each semester (fall & spring), and subsidized health insurance through the Graduate Assistant Health Plan.

Congratulations Jessica! Congratulation Lalit!