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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Song of Our Warming Planet

Dan Crawford, an undergraduate who has worked with Geography Professor Scott St. George and School of Music staff member Michael Duffy, has created a musical score based on a set of data showing the rise in the planet's temperature over time. Since its release in July 2013, the video highlighting Dan's composition (http://ensia.com/videos/a-song-of-our-warming-planet/) has been viewed more than 130,000 times in 140+ countries. His performance has also been the focus of stories featured by a long list of media outlets, including Popular Science, Minnesota Public Radio, the Weather Channel, Slate (twice) and the New York Times (three times).

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013, Dan and Scott St. George will be giving a public lecture to discuss his composition (and the reaction it has received) at UMN's Institute on the Environment.

'Resonate! How 90 Seconds of Cello Music Is Helping People Connect With Climate Science'
November 20 at noon
IonE Seminar Room R380,
Learning & Environmental Sciences Bldg., St. Paul