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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brown Day

This year's Brown Day will be held on Friday, April 22, 2011.
Our guest speaker will be John S. Adams (Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of Minnesota) who will give a talk titled "A SHORT HISTORY OF OUR GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT, 1925-2010: COFFEE HOURS AND TEA PARTIES"

Join us from 3:15-5:00pm in the Carlson School of Management, Room 1-147 on the West Bank campus of the University of Minnesota. (Coffee/refreshments 3:15; talk starts at 3:30).

Held each spring, Brown Day brings together friends and colleagues for a noon time potluck lunch, an afternoon lecture by a prominent visiting Geographer, and an evening banquet that celebrates the achievements of the past year, and recalls our history, which spans over three-quarters of a century.
The day is named in honor of Ralph Hall Brown, eminent faculty member in our department from 1929 to 1948, and author of Mirror for Americans (1941) and Historical Geography of the United States (1948).
The evening program includes an awards ceremony that recognizes the achievements of our undergraduate and graduate students. It also offers news from colleagues afar, entertainment and humor, and the results of our annual photo contest.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Minnesota Reception at AAG

This year's Minnesota Reception at the AAG will be held Wednesday
Night, April 13, from 8:30pm-11:30pm, in the Diamond Room at the
Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 1400 Sixth Ave, Seattle.

A few, small culinary treats, along with a "little dessert" tray will
be available. There will also be a cash bar.

Hope to see you there!